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Terralingua | A Call for a New Biocultural Language

Sube Teaching Language Through Art Music and Games - Terralingua a Call for a new Biocultural Language

Terralingua is a wonderful organization dedicated to preserving biocultural diversity of life through an innovative program of research, education, policy-relevant work, and on-the-ground action. Their online publication called Langscape has a new call for entries. They are looking for interviews, articles, case studies, stories, poetry, expressions of art and photographs, that express ways to achieve a better world in which our biocultural diversity can thrive.

The issue is called Biocultural Diversity: An Emerging Paradigm in a Changing World. The focus is biocultural approaches to conservation, development and education.

Here is an excerpt from their website where you can find out how you and your students can be a part of this exciting project:

Calling on those of you who are speaking a new biocultural language. Whether you work to integrate the conservation of biological and cultural resources, or to devise and implement new biocultural paths to economic and social development, or to foster biocultural approaches to education and learning—or if you wish to share any other theoretical, methodological and practical ways to achieve a better world in which our biocultural diversity can thrive—we would like to hear from you!

We believe that vital lessons for the future of life on earth lie in the perspectives, stories and practices of the world’s diverse peoples. We hope to weave together, amplify and honor the voices that arise from this biocultural tapestry. By giving a forum to these voices, we hope to shed light on the promise of biocultural diversity, spark dialogue, and help present the proposals for positive change in this deeply interconnected and increasingly fragile world.

Expressions of interest are due June 15, 2013.

Full contributions should be submitted by July 30, 2013.

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