The Sube Method
Sube's Multisensory Approach & How It Works
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Prepare & Assess
Teach More. Prep Less.
Whether you’re short time or proficiency, Sube has you covered.
Our 10-page “Welcome to Sube Spanish” or “Welcome to Sube English (ESL)” guides you step-by-step through the entire preparation process. Helpful tools like “Getting Started” (p. v), “How to Organize Your Lessons” (p. vi), and the “Curriculum Overview” (p. viii) let you hit the ground running, whatever your starting point.
Even better, all the handouts, activity sheets, and take-homes you’ll need are ripe, ready, and reproducible.
Pre-Assessment: The “Before”Assess your students before and after every Unit with Sube’s extensive bank of evaluations.
Assess your students before and after every Unit with Sube’s extensive bank of evaluations.
Use one of the 7 Student Activity Sheets or the “Prueba de Unidad—Animales” (Unit Test) itself.
For pre-literate students, simply administer the Activity Sheet or Unit Test orally by having students circle the correct answers as you call out the questions.
Engage Parents
Bringing Language Home
We all know how vital parent involvement is in the learning process, especially for students acquiring a new language. Sube makes bridging the gap between classroom and living room easy, manageable, and above all effective.
Enlist the help of parents for in-class projects, offer helpful suggestions for at-home development, or just keep them up to date and active in their child’s education.
Interactive Games
The Games... oh, the Games!
To start, each Kit comes with 4-6 fully developed game sets:
- Flashcards / ESL Flashcards
- ¡Ay Caramba! / Yeehaw! Bingo
- Péscalo / Go Fish
- Memoria / Memory
- Alpha Word Game
- Alphabet Culebra Puzzle
- ¡La Bruja Mágica! (Intermediate)
- ¡Escuela Encantada! (Intermediate)
On top of that, you also get content-specific placement and (of course) hundreds of other supplemental activities arranged by Core, Ongoing, and Enhancement.
Core Activities are basic activities—like the game sets—you use again and again across Sube’s 8 Units. They incorporate spiraled curriculum that progressively develops higher-level language skills for differentiated learning.
Ongoing Activities cover primary topics that require “ongoing” review, subjects like Colors, Numbers, Calendar, Grammar (the “Silly Sentence Game”), Personal Reflection (“Diario de Palabras”), and more.
Enhancement Activities are variations of existing exercises that provide in-depth study, personalized learning, and opportunities to involve parents and the community.
Add to that... detailed instructions, helpful hints for getting started, material lists, and guides for varying the size and scope of your games and you’re ready to add a whole lot of fun to every, single lesson you teach.
Art Projects
Bring Language to Life
100+ inspiring and creative activities built right in to your language program.
These simple, effective, and fun activities not only develop communication skills, they also prepare your students for the 21st century by focusing on creativity, innovation, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
Start out the school year with Diario de Palabras (Journal): individually created diaries students use to log new vocabulary, draw pictures, write stories, and record their language journey.
Content-driven projects run the gamut from daily projects for individuals, to week-long group projects, to extended projects that last an entire season.
Here’s an Art Project Sampler from our Beginner Spanish Kit with some of our favorites:
- All Aboard
- Everyone Has Feelings
- Family Collage
- Transportation Flashcards
- Transportation Collage
- Four Point Collage
- ¡Póntelo!
- Town Mural
Reading & Writing
Early Reader Book
Sube’s 56-page Early Reader Book contains 8 individual stories—or “mini-books”—corresponding to Sube’s 8 thematic Units.
Perfect for handouts, art projects, and read-along activities.
Unlike the “one books fits all” approach of most curriculums, our storybook is coil bound for easy and inexpensive reproduction on a student-by-student basis. Part reading activity, part art project... students cut, assemble, and color their own, self-created books. Later in the year, they learn to write and illustrate their own storybooks.
Student Activity Books
58 fully reproducible and handout ready pages bursting with vocabulary exercises, fill in the blanks, multiple choice, grammar worksheets, sentence making activities, and coloring.
Developed to work hand-in-hand with Sube’s Lesson Manual, Flashcards, and Music Videos, each of the Activity Book’s units contain 6-8 worksheets built on the very same set of vocabulary and communication skills as the Kit’s other resources.
Multimedia (Interactive)
Sing-Along Audio (CD) & Video (DVD)
Each of Sube’s Kits includes 8 original sing-alongs in both audio (CD) and video (DVD) format.
In the Spanish Kits, you’ll experience the authentic Latin sounds of Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, and Ranchera as well as Golpe Tuyero from Venezuela, Murga from Uruguay, music from the Andes, and more.
In the English Kit, you’ll hear Gospel, Pop, Blues, Native American rhythms, and TexMex to reflect the rich cultural diversity of North American music.
Worried about students “just watching”?
Don’t be.
Each song includes a rich variety of call-and-response activities that encourage your students to not only learn and interact, but to get up and move.
In addition to both English and Spanish lyrics, this multimedia package includes a series of musical background sheets for delving deeper into each region’s history, geography, culture, and customs.
Engage Community
Field Trips and Class Visits
Bring the world to your students... and your students to the world.
Whether you leave the classroom or invite in an expert, each of Sube’s Unit includes suggested activities and take-along assignments to help your students broaden their real-world language skills by engaging the community around them.
For Los Animales, we recommend visiting a zoo or local farm.
Start by printing out one or more of the 7 Activity Sheets. Instruct your students to check off each animal as they see it and to identify it in both Spanish and English. When you return to school, complete the remaining Activity Sheets that ask questions about the animals.
If a field trip isn’t possible, simply make the exercise homework. Encourage your class to take pictures or to write down all the animals they see over a weekend and then to draw and journal about them in their Diario de Palabras (Journal).
Evaluate & Share
The “After”
The last step in Sube’s Multisensory Approach is to evaluate and share what your students have learned.
Just like the Pre-Assessment phase, you can select your test from Sube’s extensive bank of evaluations.
Use one of the 7 Student Activity Sheets or the “Prueba de Unidad—Animales” (Unit Test) itself.
In addition to collecting all the work and administering an evaluation, you can utilize our custom Benchmark Evaluation Charts to track your students’ individual progress on a daily or monthly basis. It’s a phenomenal way to augment your grade book and keep tabs development.
Real-World Results
What’s more, the Activity Sheets, Unit Tests, and Benchmark Charts—not to mention the Art Projects, Diario de Palabras, and Take-Home Sheets—all make for impressive real-world results to share and maybe even show-off at parent-teacher conferences or other events.
Read more about the academic Research & Methodology behind Sube >