ESL Games

ESL Games for 21st Century Brains; 40 Classroom Activities for Teaching English thru STEM + Art.
ESL Games for 21st Century Brains brings together the worlds of (1) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), (2) the arts, and (3) 21st century thinking…
...all as a tool for teaching English as a second language.
This book is for ESL teachers who believe that learning and creativity go hand in hand, teachers looking to spice up their curriculum, break the mold, and meet the needs of 21st century students.
Designed for 7th–12th grade classrooms, all 40 games can easily be adapted for elementary, college, or adult learners.
Research based, neurologically sound, practical, hands on and above all engaging, this innovative ebook includes everything you'll need to develop your students' communication and language proficiency while at the same time providing them with the skills they need for today's technological world.
Contact us to purchase: 800-803-8073 or email
E-Book Customers
If you have reached this page you are looking for the additional resources that were mentioned in the ebook. Below you will find them listed by the associated game title. Remember that we will be adding additional tools over time so please come back and visit to see what’s new.
We also included all the recommended resources that were listed in the index of the book so that you have everything in one place.
Hope you are enjoying the book! You can visit my blog and Pinterest page for more great tips and tools.
External Resources
- Partnership for 21st Century Skills (Standards and ACTFL Skills map)
- Wordpress
- Google Drive/Doc
- Skype
- Mindnode
- Wunderlist
- Example of Product Diagram
- Creative Pinterest collection of diagrams
- Creative Pinterest collection of diagrams #2
Texture Play
- Texturelib (library)
- Mayang's Free Texture Library
- iBeat (download sounds)
Space Plan
Live Chat
Online Store
Data Play
- Chart Maker App
- Survey Monkey
- Infographics example 1
- Infographics example 2
- Media literacy free resources
- Nice overview of different types of graphs