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Sube Blog

Language Tips for the 21st Century

Free K-12 Professional Development Workshop

Free K-12 Professional Development Workshop

MARCH 3, 20165-8 PM Join us for a free professional development workshop focused on ESL/SSL games for the 21st century brain. Award winning artist/educator, Agnes Chavez, will share her latest 21st century activities for teaching a second language to children (Spanish/English).These activities bring together the worlds of; (1) the arts, (2) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), and (3) 21st century thinking. Working from her new ebook, “ESL Games for 21st Century Brains,” as well as from her “Sube Teach Language through Art, Music and Games Language Kit,” she will lead a hands-on workshop that engages teachers in playful art-based...

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Blogging in the Language Classroom

Blogging in the Language Classroom

Courtesy of Wondering if blogging is right for your language classroom? This infographic provides a nice overview and some great tips that will surely get you fired up. For the language classroom the benefits are enormous. One of the greatest challenges in teaching a second language is providing enough opportunity for real world use of the new language. Writing blog posts in the target language, getting feedback and engaging in dialogue with an audience beyond the classroom, sharing topics of personal interest, and making connections with native speakers to name a few. So where do you start?  Doing some research to understand how others...

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5 out of 5 from MommyMaestra!

5 out of 5 from MommyMaestra!

Still trying to decide on what curriculum is right for you? This 5 out of 5 MommyMaestra review should help!   Time for another Spanish curriculum review! This one is for teachers of K-5th grade and introduces you to Sube Spanish.Name of program: Sube Beginner Spanish Curriculum Elementary KitTarget age: Kindergarten through 5th gradeAmount of materials: ComprehensivePrice: $860 (for School Kit) $75 (for Homeschool pack)MommyMaestra Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ NOTE: This review is for a CLASSROOM curriculum.  As befitting any good Spanish curriculum, this program comes with a comprehensive assortment of materials including: ¡Ay Caramba! Bingo Cards, Book, and Markers 1 Activity Book 1 Reader Book 1 Word...

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“Everything’s Connected!” | An Alphabet & Improv Game

“Everything’s Connected!” | An Alphabet & Improv Game

  Students will… Use the letters of the Spanish or English alphabet to explore connections through a series of improv games and written projects. Play with letters, words, and full sentences in spontaneous and total physical response (TRP) exercises. Develop their ability to recognize connections using language, gestures, pattern making, writing, story telling, and (of course) play. 21st Century Skills: Flexibility and adaptability, creativity and innovation, understanding the interconnections among systems Grouping: Individuals, Small Groups & Whole Class Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension & Application Materials: Basket and small squares of paper with one letter from the alphabet on each. Paper...

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Teaching with Tortillas: Multicultural Snack Time

Teaching with Tortillas: Multicultural Snack Time

This activity is a tasty one… literally. Last week we received a request from one of our blog readers for a multicultural food project. Like you, we love food activities because they’re guaranteed to be interactive and engaging. Students just eat them up. (Okay, we’ll stop with the puns.) Of course, being interactive and engaging is just the start. Not only is this project 100% multisensory, it also addresses a number of FLL and 21st skills. So engage, eat, and enjoy. Oh, and let us know how it goes in the comments. Students will… Prepare, serve and enjoy a decorated appetizer: bocaditos....

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